Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Great job Nvsb ! You guys did great =] Although to be honest, musically wise we were not perfect, I felt the fighting spirit in the band and for me, i always feel that a good band does not always refers to perfect playing, the spirit in the Band plays the bigger part ! When the two pieces were delivered, efforts in the performance and feelings put into the pieces touched me. The sincerity of the band was also deeply felt . Out of all these factors, i felt we already gained the most important factor in the competition. Gathering the true band spirit. I know although the result is not something we all hoped and aimed for for the hard work put in, i think we should not be affected by it so much alright=] We cried, cried and cried. Enough of crying ok =] Now its time to clean up the tears on our cheeks and get the best out of the the competition =] That is when we will emerge as the real winner. We must get back strong together fast and perform for the crowd with our best yet again ok !!! Speech day 09, make it a memorable one !
For me, the competition isn't just a competition, its a learning platform . We learn what went missing during the competition and improve on it and then go on and perfect it. Every stages in band are priceless learning process and SYF is our reality check just like exams. We did not do good enough this exam, so we practise harder and learn from mistakes and go out stronger for the next one. We must not let our emotions get over us and bring us down ! BECAUSE WE ARE NVSB !
I know criticisms and comparisons will come along the way and it will be hard on you all, but hey guys, do you want to be affected by the criticisms and let the people who criticised get things their way or emerge stronger from them ? I think we should use the criticism as useful learning points and let the criticisms push us forward and not make us fall =] Because only the strongest will gain the best out of everything and we will be the strongest out of all the others one day. That is something i always believed in and have faith in.

Not denying my love
I Love North Vista Symphonic Band

Results shows but efforts count. And dun forget, in NVSB, we have the best teachers and conductors.
- Sean.T ( 1991 - )

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